Choosing a Product Launch Manager

If you have a business with a new product to launch, then for your product to get noticed will not be as cumbersome as in the past because of today’s technological advancement; Product Launch Formula. This type of marketing will make the launching of your product easier and greater. But if you are too busy with other things associated with the launch, you may require a service from a Product Launch Manager. You will now be able to lessen the stress on your shoulders which is brought by the tension of a product launch. This step will guarantee huge success for your business. But what exactly is Product Launch Manager?

A Product Launch Manager is an expert that generates loads of money for the business owner by creating and applying great strategies coupled with the addition of tactical elements and the rest will be assured that the product launch will be the talk of the town because of its big success.

However, hiring a potential Launch Manager could require a considerable salary allotment. It is just like investing your money for a good profit return. As quoted in an old saying, “you get what you pay for.” So going on cheap is likely going on a mediocre launch. This is the reason why you need to be choosy in hiring a Launch Specialist.

Here are the things that you need to consider in hiring a great Launch Manager.

You may consider a Launch Specialist who has the experience of launching his/her own product with success. This is their advantage. They know exactly how you feel about the entire launch process. Meanwhile, you may also consider a launch specialist who has launched products of other business owners and still continue a good rapport with them. The combination of product launching and maintaining good relation with the client is a vital element in success due to met expectations.

Product launch manager may come from a referral. Though internet can provide you list of potential manager for your product launching, still, the best that you can have is the one that has been referred to you because they are already tried and tested.

You may also consider the educational background of a prospective launch specialist. The best person for the job is the one who acquired a degree and keeps himself abreast with all the trends and its changes in the market.

Aside from that, you may also give a bit of your consideration the personal characteristics of the probable manager. These characteristics have everything to do with your business. Your product launch manager should always find ways in improving your product. This type of manger will only settle for the best product in order to give the launch strength to make a big impact on the market. He/she must also be eyeing your next product to launch. It is always important that you have other products in line to promote to your customers.

And lastly, your product launch manager should have full understanding on Human Psychology because buying is more likely an emotional process. Logical reasons are considered by the customers before purchasing a product. So, understandings of emotions regarding buying will also all factors for the success of the launch.

Marc Evans is a Product Launch Manager [

3 Tips For Staging A Grand Product Launch

As a product manager, you want your product to be a success. You do your best to understand what your customers will want, you work with your developers to create the right product development definition, and you train your sales teams to go sell it. However, there’s one more thing that you need to be doing. That’s launching your product. You don’t want to just launch it, you want to stage a grand product launch. Now just exactly how are we going to go about doing that?

Promote Your Launch Extensively And Creatively

A product launch that nobody knows about is not going to do you any good. What this means for you is that you are going to have to create a calendar that you can use in order to make sure that you are reaching out to the right people at the right time. Knowing how to do this correctly is something that can go on your product manager resume.

Your first contacts need to be with the journalists who cover your market segment. Additionally, most publications have a person who is their “calendar editor” who is in charge of what goes into each issue. You’re going to want to reach out to both of these groups about a month before your launch happens.

Now that we live in the 21st Century, there is a new type of journalist that can help to make your product launch a grand one: bloggers. Because this type of writer works on a more flexible schedule, you can reach out to them a bit later in the process.

Introduce Intrigue Into Your Launch

Everyone likes a mystery. What this means for you is that you are going to want to use your product launch to tease people’s curiosity. This means that when you are talking about your product launch, you are going to want to use words like “free” and “mystery” in order to get their attention.

In order to generate some buzz about your product launch, you are going to want to consider offering some sort of free gift to a limited number of your first customers. Alternatively, you could schedule a mystery guest to attend a product launch celebration. Everyone likes to meet and hang out with someone who is famous even if they are only famous in your product’s niche.

When you are doing a product launch, you’ll create product collateral. Don’t make boring collateral! Instead, take the time and hire the talent that you’ll need in order to make your product’s collateral as intriguing and distinctive as possible.

Hold A Soft Launch

Having done all of the work that a product launch requires, when the big day approaches often times we can only step back and keep our fingers crossed. However, it turns out that there is one more thing that we can do that will boost our chances of having a successful product launch: hold a soft launch.

When you are holding a soft launch for your product, you invite friends, partners, members of the press, and even family members to a run-through that happens a night or two before the big event. This is a great opportunity to practice everything that will need to be done during the real product launch.

At the soft launch, the company’s employees who are helping you with the launch will get a chance to get on-the-job training regarding what they are supposed to be doing (and not doing!). Any glitches in your plans or things that you’ve overlooked will quickly become apparent.

What All Of This Means For You

More often than not, a product manager’s career is determined by how successful our product is. The more success that a product has, the farther in the organization we can go. Since a successful product starts with a successful product launch, we’d better get good at staging a grand product launch. Doing this well should be a part of every product manager job description.

In order to do a product launch the right way, we first need to start things off by promoting the launch. This can involve working with people who are willing to write about our launch at least a month before the launch. Next we need to find ways to introduce some intrigue into the launch so that we can get people interested in what we are doing. Finally, since the launch is so important, we need to hold a soft launch in order to work all of the bugs out.

The good news about launching a product is that it can be easy to do this correctly. However, in order to make sure that we get the biggest bang for our buck, we need to make sure that we know what we are doing. Follow these three tips and your next product launch will be a grand event indeed.

Dr. Jim Anderson

Successful Product Launch Secrets

It’s a new year and if you’re like most other business owners – you’re planning out the year to launch your programs and/or products. Perhaps you have a new program you can’t wait to get out there – or a product that you’ve recently completed that you want to sell online to your list.

But, most people make the mistake of just popping it up on their website and hoping for the day when someone will buy. Not a great strategy. Don’t get me wrong – someone could buy – but it might take months before you make your first sale.

You’ve got to launch your product big-time to make more moneyand get more clients!

In this article I reveal 6 successful product launch strategies you can immediately use to bring in new income and convert prospects into clients.

Now, a product launch (or program) can be really anything you’re looking to sell online. Examples can be any of the following:

Tele-class series
Coaching program
Home study course
Why a product launch? It’s better and more effective to sell something. The concept of a “launch” builds up momentum and creates frenzy towards what you’re offering. It’s easier than just putting your product on your site and hoping people will eventually come around and take it.

Here are my six strategies:


You’ve got to plan ahead. You can’t just haphazardly decide to launch something and have it all magically fall into place. You need to plan ahead across all levels. Your audience – are they ripe for it? Would they want it? Have you been offering too much or too little and where does this launch fit into the rest of your planned offerings? Your communication – the dates you plan for sending emails, launching your product on your website, dates for communication to JV partners to support your launch, etc. You need to select a “launch” date and then work backward from there to plan out all the various communications you require.


Without support – the launch won’t be a success. And, I mean support from ALL places. Joint ventures- ample support from JV partners or strategic alliances to help promote your launch will help build up momentum. Why? The more people who are aware of your launch will create even more anticipation.Affiliates – getting affiliates on board so they can plan ahead to notify their network of your launch and ensure it fits with their schedule. Team – can’t do it all alone. Between the promotion, planning, emails, website, product creation, etc., it takes more than just you. Get some help from your team (even if temporary help) to make it all happen. Family/friends – tell them about the launch so they can support you during what will be one of the busiest times of your business.


A successful launch is all about anticipation. Remember when the iPhone 4 came out from Apple and there was all this build up for months before they actually had it available for sale? That’s a killer launch tactic. You want to create the momentum of leading up to something – something really big. This creates buzz and anticipation from people who want to find out about your launch. Hint: for online product launches – it usually is a big build up to a tele-seminar or webinar where you announce your product – and finally make it available for sale. Reminding people constantly about the event date before it takes place is another strategy to create more build up and anticipation.


You’ve got to be creative about what you’re launching. Let’s not forget the most important part of a launch is the content of what you’re actually selling. It’s got to be good stuff. But, what makes your product different? Why are people going to want it? Be creative with your marketing as part of the launch with everything from the angle/message for your tele-seminar to the videos you’re producing – it’s got to be different. Your sales page needs to be creative. How well can you present what you have?


A launch is all about giving people a reason to buy. Additional bonuses, a strong call to action, reduced pricing, pricing payment plans, etc. These are all reasons that will help make the case for the product. You want to give people an offer they can’t refuse and using incentives is a key to trigger people from prospect to buyer. One incentive to consider is planning a preview call or webinar to showcase what you have to offer (what you’re launching.) I would never recommend launching a new product or program to your entire list. Not everyone would be interested. But, inviting people to a free call or webinar where you deliver good content and essentially “preview” what you have to offer – and giving them a really good offer at the end of the call – is a great way to launch your product and get immediate sales.


If you’re selling a product with limited copies or a program with limited spaces -being transparent about the limited availability will definitely increase your selling conversion. People aren’t compelled to buy if they know they can some around anytime to buy if you have unlimited copies or spots. But, if there is only a certain number available – they will take action. Now, you need to be honest here and not pretend to have 10 copies of something to sell when in reality you have 100. That’s not very authentic. If the offer is ending soon because the event starts on a certain date or a program begins on a certain date – you should leverage that and showcase it to prospects so they know they need to take action.

Follow some of thee strategies for your next product launch and you’ll be sure to increase sales and convert more prospects into buyers.

Your Assignment:

What are your launch plans for 2011? Do you have a new product or program you’re ready to sell to your list? It’s not as easy as just putting it up on your website and hoping for sales. Map out 2-3 action steps to implement from each of my 6 launch strategies above to ensure you can effectively and efficiently launch your next product or program for the best results possible. Don’t be afraid to try something different and be creative. And, your content has got to be killer more than anything – so don’t overlook delivering an amazing value to your clients or customers

3 Steps to Getting the Right Product Launch Manager

Do you have a business with a new product to launch? If yes, then you certainly should look into applying product launch management in the operation. Product launch management is a step-by-step release plan with the goal of creating your reputation on the internet. It is the most basic and vital thing to consider that internet marketers should not be taking in stride. Heading through this process may be daunting, but you have the choice to hire a product launch manager to complete the job.

With the tough competition revolving in the world of online marketing, starting a product can be daunting particularly to numerous newcomers who do not possess the ability necessary to enable them to get their products acknowledged. Employing a product launch manager would be the solution. It can lessen the burden brought by the tension of launching your product. But how are you going to do this? How can you hire a product or service launch manager that is competent for the position? What is a product launch manager, by the way?

Getting a product or service launch manager can be a solution. It may lessen the burden contributed by the pressure of starting your product or service. Now, how are you going to identify which product or service launch manager is the best and one that you can depend on for this task? Let us get acquainted with what a product launch manager first.

A Product Launch Manager is an expert in producing successful strategies and using tactical elements to ensure the product launch is a success and thus end up being the talk of the town at the same time generating lots of revenue to the business owner. Now, what should be the characteristics you require in a potential product or service launch manager? You will find 3 essential qualities that you should look into when hiring a product or service launch manager. These are:

1. Someone who completely knows about copywriting and market research. Do you understand that 95% success of your launch depends on copywriting and copywriting depends on market research? So, you need to be sure that the one you will employ is capable of doing a sensible market research. He needs to determine the needs of your marketplace and this he will do this by looking at the major web pages like looking at book reviews, searching twitter, browsing Google groups and exploring blogs for the language and inner thoughts your industry is feeling. This way, it would be simple to address direct simple answers and solutions that your product or service can potentially offer. You do not necessarily need a launch manager that is an expert in copywriting, somebody that can accomplished their homework even with little copywriting expertise will outperform the most effective copywriter who does not fully grasp the marketplace.

2.An agent who has a track record of profitable selling. Having a manager who has been launching his/her own merchandise with success will help you win the game. They know specifically how you feel about the whole launch course of action and also know how vital their task and its outcome for you. Maybe, the best launch managers you can consider is one that has launched not only their very own products but also has launched products of other companies and still continue a good relationship with them. With this you have a guarantee that he will be able to meet your outlook in case you hire him. If you can, you would like to hire someone who has completed any online jobs and has done decent sales as long as your financial allowance permits.

3. Look for an individual that boasts an excellent educational background. A great manager is someone that has procured a college diploma and still maintains himself up-to-date with all the trends and modifications in the internet market place. Also, you really want him to be business oriented individual. A person’s selected product launch manager will need to always find methods in bettering your product. He or she will not settle for something less than the best product to make a enormous effect on the market. Your product launch manager ought to end up being an individual which at all times looks further ahead and think in advance. He/she needs to be looking forward with regard to the next product to launch as you create more products in line to promote to your prospects.

Hiring a potential product Launch Manager may well require a considerable wage allotment. It is like investing your cash for a excellent profit return. You will usually get what you pay for. You do not wish to settle for less here because going on cheap is inclined to going on a average launch. This should concoct you to become choosy and meticulous in getting a merchandise Launch Manager. When it comes to earning money you won’t want to cut corners and investing money and time in discovering the right manager its worth your time and effort.

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